
Finalist in the 2024 Bega Customer Service and Business Awards.

It gives us great pleasure and excitement to announce the finalist in the 2024 Bega Customer Service and Business Awards.

Our mystery Judges have been observing Individuals and Businesses for months in anticipation for the awards and after receiving over 350 nominations from the public they have this week had the incredibly difficult job of narrowing all those nominations down to just four finalists in each category.

Congratulations if you received a nomination, you should be really proud, well done, what a great achievement. Click here to see all the wonderful finalists – 2024 CSA Finalists

The award ceremony will be held at the Commemorative Civic Centre on October 26th tickets are on sale now just click on the link at the bottom of this post. Each nominee can purchase up to 4 tickets initially and can go on a wait list for more if needed.

Congratulations again and we look forward to seeing you on the night. (Finalists will be contacted directly to arrange photos and business info).

This event is not possible without the support of our key event sponsors:


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October Networking Event @ UOW Bega Campus

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